Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Don't be all hypocritical trying to tell me to come talk to you face to face IN YOUR BLOG. Why don't you come talk to me and we'll see where that goes? So apparently YOUR best friend is feeding me false information? Because I asked her what happened, and she explained the whole deal about you not wanting me to know where the fuck you're going. And it's not like I was about to catch up with you guys. Why would I do that if you never invited me to go in the first place? And I guess I'm sorry that you think I'm stealing your best friend, but maybe if you didn't leave her out all the time she wouldn't feel so alone. So maybe since she's your best friend, you should go ask her how she feels whenever she gets left out of a conversation. Only reason why I didn't go up to you is that I didn't know if I was coming with viable information. That's why I went to her first, because she was the one on the phone with me when it happened. And if she said it wasn't about me, I would've dropped it. But is that what she said? I don't think so. I don't know if it's all a misunderstanding, but it's definitely blown way out of proportion.

And by the way, I never really had the intention of going to that halloween thing anyways, I know they didn't want me there, because if they did, then I wouldn't have heard about it from some random person. So thanks, anyways. Even if you regret it.

As for the shittalking from everybody? At this point, I honestly could care less. I try to clear up certain things that I hear, but other than that, feel free to shit talk. Because you never know,

I might just be shit talking back.